Category Archives: Our Ambassadors of Peace

Italy – Swami Ekananda Maheswari

Italiano / English

Peace Ambassador: ​Swami Ekananda Maheswari


Ho incontrato Jasmuheen nel 1999 e ancora oggi, dopo circa 20 anni, il mio rispetto, l’amicizia, l’amore e la gratitudine sono forti come il primo momento.

Grazie a lei :

  • sono arrivato a vivere di luce nutrendomi di prana per più di 4 anni,
  • mi sono formato in questi anni in sua compagnia durante i ritiri e
  • nell’anno 2015 ho accettato il suo invito a partecipare al primo ritiro formativo degli Ambasciatore di Pace in Messico.

Jasmuheen è per me sempre fonte di ispirazione e guida, non solo nel viaggio e nell’esplorazioni dei campi ma anche nell’approccio alla vita. La mia gratitudine va sempre e per sempre a lei.

Swami si definisce un Visionario Pragmatico e condivide nei ritiri, corsi, satsang e conferenze il suo semplice messaggio : “Ama & Servi – con integrità e grazia”

Swami sostiene con grande passione il viaggio di ognuno verso il ritorno alla propria Origine/Essenza con ciò che lui semplifica nel linguaggio con “Avatar ti restituisce”

SWAMI  : Ambassador of Peace – Transpersonal & Soul Counselor – Spiritual & Soul Coaching – Promoter & Coach for Matrix Freedom – Multidimensional Healer

 Email: ​[email protected]

Peace Ambassador: Swami Ekananda Maheswari


I met Jasmuheen in 1999 and still today, after about 20 years, my respect, friendship, love and gratitude are as strong as the first moment.

Thanks to her:

  • I came to live of light nourishing myself with prana for more than 4 years,
  • I have been trained by her over the years during the retreats and
  • in 2015 I accepted her invitation to attend the first retreat for Peace Ambassadors in Mexico.

For me Jasmuheen is always a source of inspiration and guidance, not only in the journey and exploration of the fields bust also in the approach to life. My gratitude belongs to her always and forever.

Swami define himself as a Pragmatic Visionary an he shares in retreats, courses, satsang and lectures his simple message: “Love & Serve – with integrity and grace” .

Swami supports with great passion – each and everyone – journey back to his/her Origin/Essence, defining it with simple words “Avatar gives you back”

SWAMI  : Ambassador of Peace – Transpersonal & Soul Counselor – Spiritual & Soul Coaching – Promoter & Coach for Matrix Freedom – Multidimensional Healer


Italy – Diana Raj

The Embassy of Peace in Italy plus its Active Ambassadors
L’Ambasciata di Pace in Italia più i suoi ambasciatori attivi


  • Diana ama essere di sostegno agli altri nel loro Risveglio Consapevole, e per lei è un’arricchimento di gioia, d’amore e di pace interiore, di sorrisi e d’amorevolezza reciproci, con ogni persona che ha frequentato i seminari.
    E’ un co-creare e con-dividere magnifico e nutriente per tutti, in un percorso per imparare ad amare/accettare la nostra vera natura, la nostra Essenza Divina ed essere in comunione con Essa.
  • La mia gratitudine a Jasmuheen, al Campo dell’Ambasciata di Pace e alle mie Guide per loro amore, sostegno e benedizioni!
    Grazie alla mia Essenza per avermi fatto incontrare Jasmuheen!
  • Diana Raj, Ambasciatrice di Pace, chiaroveggente, chiarosenziente, chiaroudiente, guaritrice multidimensionale.
  • Facebook: Diana Raj
    cell/ +39.3333570986
    mail: [email protected]


  • Diana loves supporting the others on their path on the Conscious Awakening, and for her it’s a such a mutual enrichment of the joy, love and peace, of the laughter and kindness with each person that participated the Luscious Lifestyle Programme. Such a nourishing path to learn to love/accept our true Nature, our Essence and to be in the communion with Her.
  • My gratitude to Jasmuheen, to Guides of The Embassy of Peace and to my Guides for their support, love and blessings! Thank you my Essence for I’ve met Jasmuheen!
  • Diana Raj, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsencing, multidimensional healer.
  • Facebook: Diana Raj
    mobile/ +39.3333570986
    mail: [email protected]

Brazil – Denise Lima

The Embassy of Peace in Brazil plus its Active Ambassadors
A Embaixada da Paz no Brasil além de seus Embaixadores ativos

Embaixador da Paz: Denise Lima

Breves informações – Denise Lima é uma Consultora Internacional que atua em diversos países com o tema do Desenvolvimento Sustentável há mais de 25 anos. É Mestre de Reiki e Coach Ontológica e em 2016 iniciou os trabalhos com a Embaixada da Paz oferecendo os Programa 8 Pontos de um Estilo de Vida Prazeroso e 12 Passos para a Paz.

Tem como visão de futuro levar os Programas da Embaixada para um número maior de pessoas, inclusive nas periferias e em ambientes de pouco acesso a informação. Coloca a serviço da Embaixada da Paz sua experiência de coach, de dinamizadora de grupos e de professora de metodologias participativas

 In English … The Embassy of Peace in Brazil plus its Active Ambassadors

Brief Insight:  Denise Lima works as International Consultant on many countries, with the subject of Sustainable Development, for more than 25 years. She is also a Reiki Master and Ontological Coach. On 2016 she began working with the Embassy of Peace offering the program 8 Points of a Luscious Lifestyle and 12 Steps to Peace.

Her vision for the future is to take the Embassy programs for a greater number of people at places of little access to information. With love and gratitude, she offers to the Embassy of Peace her skills of coach  and professor on participatory methodologies.

Our Embassy Programs in 2017

Embassy of Peace 2017 Retreat News for our Ambassadors with Jasmuheen

Our Events in China, Tibet and Brazil …

Click here for a new video on the Embassy of Peace Programs in 2017.

Join our Peace Ambassadors for a  Relaxing, Innovative & Globally Productive  Experience.

Apply to join us & Make a Difference in The World!


Mystical lakes & mountains, a city called heaven on earth, another now bubbling with huge political change … Scroll down for more!

  • China – 5 day Embassy of Peace Retreat in the beautiful Hangzhou – a city called Heaven on Earth by the Chinese – retreat dates 24th – 28th June 2017 then an optional 5 days in Tibet for retreat attendees only – 1st – 5th July – Chinese Organizer – email Wu Ling [email protected]
  • 16th – 20th November – Embassy of Peace Retreat – 5 day retreat in Brasilia
  • Embassy Peace Retreat organizer in Brazil – Maria Tereza Cunha; Tel +5561981488855; Email: [email protected][email protected] – web site:
  • Our organizer for anyone attending China and/or Brazil who are from other countries, please book in with Anjie – [email protected]

Also click here to see our other events in Brazil & for 2017 ​

For health, happiness and harmony to be real for us all, we have to acknowledge and experience the limitless internal resource of our own pure and perfect ascended nature. Without its guidance, love, light and energy we cannot achieve such lofty goals but with it … there is no limit to what an awakened individual and society can achieve!

Brazil – Elaine Itália Chiocchetta

The Embassy of Peace in Brazil plus its Active Ambassadors
A Embaixada da Paz no Brasil além de seus Embaixadores ativos

brazil-elaineElaine Itália Chiocchetta


Informações: Elaine Itália Chiocchetta

Pedagoga, fisioterapeuta e terapeuta holística há mais de 25 anos, com certificação internacional.

Reside e atende em Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, na Reserva Naturall Morada dos Anjos, local situado nas montanhas catarinenses,  no sul do Brasil, região da grande Florianópolis. Os tratamentos oferecidos na Reserva estão disponíveis no site

Escolheu viver junto à natureza. Recebe na Reserva, onde reside,  pessoas e grupos interessados em meditação, silêncio, retiros de autoconhecimento, detox e práticas terapêuticas junto a natureza. Estes eventos contam com apoio de colaboradores ligados à Associação Natureza Viva. Uma iniciativa coletiva, eco-comunitária, a serviço da vida em amor e gratidão.

Está conduzindo o programa de Estilo de Vida Prazeroso num curso de extensão junto a Universidade  Federal de Santa Catarina UFSC.


Brief Insight on Elaine Itália Chiocchetta

An educator, physiotherapist and holistic therapist, Elaine has international certification and over 25 years of experience. Elaine chose to live close to nature so she lives and has her practice at the Reserva Naturall Morada dos Anjos, a holistic centre in Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, very close to Florianópolis in the South of Brazil.

The Reserva Naturall Morada dos Anjos is open to people and groups that are interested in meditation, silence, self-knowledge and detox retreats as well as therapeutic practices in nature. These events count with the support of partners connected to the Natureza Viva Association, which is a collective, eco-communitary initiative in the service of life in love and gratitude.

Elaine is currently leading the Lucious Life Style programme as an extra curricular course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina- UFSC.

Insights from Elaine as she shares the LLP course at a local university ….

Saturday, 2016, August 13th was the first day of the LLP training here at the University. Early in the morning I saw the Black Madonna in my bedroom. She was wearing a mantle full of bright lights and the lights were flashing like lights on a Xmas tree. This was a very important vision for me and filled my being with comfort and courage. 

Then I visualized the room where the LLP program was going to take place and I saw Iemanjá, the goddess of the sea. Florianópolis is an island and the university stands very close to the sea. Iemanjá was very present, preparing the place energetically for the course. I also felt Kwan Yin, my guardian, very close to me all the time.

The university professor (who’s helping me organize the training program) came to collect me and I shared the above experiences with her. She was thrilled, felt really blessed and realized the responsibility we had on our hands.

We got to the room for the course and a university professor introduced both the Embassy of Peace and me. I had a strong feeling of acceptance at this moment. This professor is a very special man and he feels that bringing these types of courses to the academic world is his mission.  Just a few days before the first session of the LLP he had promoted a “hands on healing course”. The Angelics have definitely found the correct person for us!

The group of participants was really quiet, calm and receptive. They welcomed the program with openness and curiosity and committed to attend all the 11 meetings.

I felt well and happy during the whole time. I had this feeling of doing the right thing for me at this moment in time – a real feeling of self-realization. I was truly thankful to you, dear Jas, for having given us such a wonderful programme, well-prepared in its minimum details.

I felt the presence of lower vibrations just outside the classroom. These beings seemed to be curious as to what was taking place inside the room and I could sense that there was bubble of protection around our room and therefore they could not get through. They would come into my thoughts and I would just delete the thought. I nearly shared this with the professor, but I decided not to mention it at all. I felt that if I did talk about them, I’d open the door for them to come in. I did not want them there so I did not share the dream with anyone but you and Marcinha. Therefore, I felt safer and realized I had full energectic control of the situation.

During the morning, while I was teaching the LLP, I felt a strong alignment with my sacred mission. I felt I was happy all the time!:} (may it go on like this!!! )

Love and gratitude – Elaine

Brazil – Daphne Aben-Athar Kipman



Daphne Aben-Athar Kipman

A Embaixada da Paz no Brasil e seus Embaixadores Ativos

The Embassy of Peace inBrazil
plus its active Ambassadors

(Photo to come)

Daphne Aben-Athar Kipman

Breves informações sobre Daphne:

  • Sou uma eterna aprendiz de mim mesma.
  • Metaforicamente falando… meu sonho é ensinar todos os que eu conheço a pescar, para que nao fiquem mais procurando alguém para lhes dar o peixe…
  • Em busca de realizar este sonho, eu trabalho com terapias holísticas, aquelas que buscam integrar todos os níveis do Ser, para que a pessoa entre em contato com sua Essência e se permita sentir sua plenitude.
  • Como Embaixadora da Paz, ofereço o Programa Estilo de Vida Prazeroso.
In English:
Brief Insight on Daphne: Everyday I try to learn a bit more about myself. Metaphorically speaking… my dream is to teach people how to fish, so that they stop looking for someone to give them fish… In order to fulfill this dream, I work with holistic therapies, therapies/techniques designed to integrate all parts of your Being so that you come into contact with your Essence and allow It to make you whole. As an Ambassador of Peace, I offer the Luscious Lifestyles Program.

photo and more to come

Italy – Barbara Cicognani

The Embassy of Peace in Italy (Milan and Tuscany) plus its Active Ambassadors
Ambasciatrice di Pace in Italia a Milano ed in Toscana più i suoi ambasciatori attivi

AP-ITALY-BARBARA-C-SMBarbara Cicognani
Email: [email protected]
Ph: +39 338 8628174

Brief Insight on Barabara Cicognani:
Milan and Tuscany
I met Jasmuheen in Assisi 3 years ago and it was like to come back home finally, I’m so honoured to be part of this family and my heart started to sing full of love and gratitude thanks to all her teachings, I’m so grateful and honoured to become an Ambassador of Peace in Italy, where at the moment I’m offering  the  Luscious Lifestyles Programs, I’m preparing to offer the Pathways of Peace also.
Languages: Italian English

Milano e Toscana
Ho incontrato Jasmuheen ad Assisi 3 anni fa ed è stato come tornare a casa finalmente, sono davvero onorata di essere parte di questa famiglia e il mio cuore canta colmo di amore e gratitudine grazie ai suoi insegnamenti, sono davvero grata e onorata di essere diventata una Ambasciatrice di Pace in Italia, dove al momento offro Il Programma Stile di Vita Rigoglioso, sto preparandomi per offrire anche il Programma Percorsi di Pace.
Lingue: italiano, inglese

Italy – Barbara Goia

italy1-thumbITALY – Barbara Goia

The Embassy of Peace in Italy plus its Active Ambassadors
L’Ambasciata di Pace in Italia più i suoi ambasciatori attivi

Italy-Barbara-GoiaPeace Ambassador: ​Barbara Goia

Brief Insight on ​Barbara Goia: ​corsi sullo Stile di Vita Rigoglioso …

4Bodies Quantum Coaching

Non puoi raccogliere un fiore senza che se ne accorga una stella…
E’ una legge universale il fatto che tutto sia collegato con tutto.
Noi e il nostro corpo siamo una cosa sola per tutto il periodo di esperienza terrena. Quando stiamo male dentro, il corpo prima o poi tende a darci dei segnali attraverso la manifestazione di sintomi fisici più o meno gravi.
Quando il corpo non sta bene, sicuramente si riflette anche su uno o più aspetti interiori.
Questo è il motivo per cui agisco su entrambe i canali: Spirituale e Fisico.

Spiritual Coaching

Dentro di noi albergano livelli diversi di consapevolezza, ognuno di questi ci guida con modalità diverse. Molto di ciò che guida la nostra vita, e’ dato dalle informazioni contenute nel nostro subconscio, dove troviamo i nostri talenti…