A wonderful manual to take yourself and even others
through our powerful Luscious Lifestyles Program!
The Luscious Lifestyles Program, is presented by Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace as a powerful and pragmatic way to enjoy more of the rhythms of health, happiness and harmony within ourselves and within our world! Based on Biofield Science principles, this holistic lifestyle also increases our mental clarity and intuitive capacities, stimulates the expression of our higher nature and generally makes us more compassionate, fulfilled and altruistic people.
Now available as a powerful online course!
Online Course – The Luscious Lifestyle Program for Health, Happiness and Harmony
This course offers – video insights, powerful life changing meditations, audios, detailed notes – also as audios – on each segment plus regular tune ins and updates with Jasmuheen as she answers any issues and questions that you may have.
She will also be working with the Ascended Masters who created this program, to guide you through very specific additional meditations that are relevant to these current times as many on Earth seek now to stabilize themselves in the rhythm of health, happiness and harmony that this program can deliver.
This course also forms the vibrational basis of all other courses as it is our frequency that determines whether we can be Source Fed, the type of Contact we can have and the level of wisdom and love that we can tune to on a higher, purer level.
See below video introduction on this …
Presented by Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace, this lifestyle program is a powerful and pragmatic way to enjoy more of the rhythms of health, happiness and harmony within ourselves and within our world! Based on Biofield Science principles, this holistic lifestyle also increases our mental clarity and intuitive capacities, stimulates the expression of our higher nature and generally makes us more compassionate, fulfilled and altruistic people.
This lifestyle has enhanced the lives of many thousands of people all around the world!
Above video … a quick insight
A lifestyle for health, happiness and harmony that is designed to aid in the elimination all suffering in our world!
A lifestyle designed by 7 powerful, loving, wise beings that can anchor all who are ready deep in the zone of harmonious co-existence.