About Jasmuheen:
With her work being implemented in 55 countries and with many of her 42 books now published in 19 languages, Jasmuheen attracts people from all over the world. She is especially loved for her sense of humour and the simple yet powerful techniques she shares that can transform all aspects of people lives when they are ready for this.
As a natural telepath, empath and visionary, Jasmuheen has been in contact with the Blue LineBeings since childhood and has attended many Intergalactic meetings with these ones.
On the 7th of July 2007, she finally established the Embassy of Peace with its personal, global and universal harmonization programs. Through her free manual, these have enhanced the lives of more than 20 million people so far.
Over the past twenty-six years Jasmuheen has been invited to share her knowledge and Embassy programs with the Mayan Elders, various tribes of the Amazon and in Colombia, and India. She has also worked in the slums in Brazil offering pragmatic programs to unify the people and improve their lives in general.
Known in the West as the Grandmother of Breatharianism, Jasmuheen has spent decades researching sustainable solutions to global health and hunger problems through intense personal experimentation that has freed her from all personal hungers and so she is well known as the leading Western researcher in the field of alternative nourishment that the multidimensionals use called Source Feeding
On numerous occasions, Jasmuheen has presented her research – on world health and world hunger issues – at the United Nations both in New York and Vienna, liaising with their in-house spiritual groups who are open to explore many new methodologies of problem solving.
Jasmuheen’s current focus as an Ambassador of Peace, is on supporting our personal, planetary and universal ascension. Her work has always focused on self mastery through self knowledge so that the consciousness of our world can be harmonized to provide the best future for ourselves and our children and our Earth. She has been a meditator for over 47 years and has had many encounters and deep experiences with the multi-dimensionals. She has shared some of these experiences in her YouTube Playlist called Inspiring Real Life Stories at this link.
Her latest book – received from the multi-dimensionals – is Unity Reset For an Evolving World at this link.
An Insight into Jasmuheen’s personal life and challenges …
In this video Jasmuheen begins this series of inspiring real life stories, with sharing of a time in her own life of many big challenges and how she dealt with them and also what she learnt . So many people in our world today are also dealing with huge life challenges – people dying, disease, loss or work or finances, ignoring our hearts call and dealing with the consequences – and as you can see by this video and series, all of this is part of Jasmuheen’s journey as well which she shares to help uplift those who may be suffering …