Category Archives: Free Videos on our Focus & Agenda

A selection of videos, audios and talks on what we have been doing in the world and more on the focus of Jasmuheen and the Embassy of Peace.

Embassy of Peace 2022 Updates & programs

Welcome to our Embassy!

Brief 2021 Updates on our Embassy Programs on Personal, Global and Universal Harmonization. Scroll down for video updates .
Link to our Free Embassy of Peace manuals.

Embassy Update – Personal Harmonization

A video update with Embassy Founder Jasmuheen on the Embassy focus and Programs especially our Personal Harmonization Program … this goal is supported by our Luscious Lifestyle; our Living A Life of Effortless Ease and Grace and Our Alchemy of Health and Healing and the Manifesting True Abundance Online Programs plus the upcoming Alchemy of True Love and Tantra Course.

Global Harmonization

A video update with Peace Ambassador and Embassy Founder Jasmuheen on our Embassy ‘s Global Harmonization Program … this goal  of Global Harmonization is supported by our Source Feeding – Eliminating Al Hungers Online Course as well as our Pathways of Peace Program for Personal and Global Peace. While our Alchemy of Contact Course is part of our Universal Program it is also relevant here.

Universal Harmonization

A video update with Embassy Founder Jasmuheen on our Embassy’s Universal Harmonization Program … this goal of Universal Ascension and Harmonization program is supported by our Alchemy of Contact plus Our Light Being Friends Online Course as well as our Sacred Portals Sacred Art Course plus our upcoming Alchemy of Toning Course.

Our new platform and research!

It is so wonderful to have now launched a new platform where all our research manuals for the Embassy of Peace are so easy to access and download free! Click here for this.

We also have free online catch – up space where you can download the audio mp3 files of many of our YouTube videos so you can listen at your leisure! Click here for this.

Most importantly we now have a selection of powerful, life enhancing Online Courses which we can also offer scholarship into for those in need, just email us at our Contact page and tell us more about why you may qualify for this!

So for more on what we offer with our research manuals plus so much more click here!

Here is a brief video insight into these courses …

The direct links to our Embassy of Peace Courses are as follows:-

Embassy YouTube Playlist

In this playlist you will find a good flow of insights to watch on what our Embassy offers and how these programs came into being.

As part of our keep it simple motto we have now created a new Embassy of Peace playlist featuring videos on our Affiliates Ambassadors of Peace Program and other videos that share the essence of what the Embassy is about and some of our work in the world.

Embassy of Peace YouTube playlist link

Click for more on our Programs and Projects and agendas

Also you may enjoy attending our Events!

2021 Embassy of Peace Retreat in India

Due to the Global Pandemic this retreat will hopefully occur in 2022

Our next retreat will be in Rishikesh in India – in the below video you will find a few insights from Jasmuheen.

Please note that due to the Covid-19 situation this retreat has been transferred from October 2020 to 2022.

Rishikesh, India – International Embassy of Peace Retreat – In this brief video Jasmuheen shares about why each retreat is held in various vortices and who is called to affiliate with the Embassy to share their programs either as a living example or as an ambassadors of Peace.

The next gathering is in Rishikesh India but spaces at the hotel may be limited so book soon if this calls you after watching this video and applying what she suggests.

Our free EMBASSY OF PEACE manual

EMBASSY OF PEACE Manual – Programs & Projects:- Personal, Global & Universal Harmonization Programs & Projects for the co-creation of unity and permanent peace on earth.

This manual, by metaphysical author, researcher and Peace Ambassador Jasmuheen, combines the Luscious Lifestyles Program with its 8 point lifestyle plan, with the Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program and adds the Embassy’s Universal Harmonization Program.

Designed to promote individual and global health and happiness, these programs also promote permanent peace and prepare earth en-mass to enter into higher paradigms.

Covering lifestyle practices, world health and hunger issues plus extra-terrestrial realities, and more, this manual also helps in the training of the Embassy’s Ambassadors of Peace and Diplomats of Love.

With over 150,000 copies of the Embassy’s Programs downloaded freely a year, in various languages, we now offer this via in paperback for those who require it.

Click here to get your free copy now!

our Pathways of Peace program


Online Course – Pathways of Peace for Personal and Global Peace

The Pathways of Peace Program has been taught successfully by our Ambassadors of Peace in so many countries – literally transforming the lives of thousands of people. 
In this series Jasmuheen – as Embassy of Peace founder – will take you through each step of this program on a week by week basis so that it is a 12 week course. 
This is a program given to Earth by the Angelics through Jasmuheen and so it carries a very particular frequency spectrum which is very different to the Luscious Lifestyle Program that is also offered by our Ambassadors.

Click to find out more!

Insights to our Programs & Their Supporting Training Manuals

On this page you will find a brief video insight on our main programs that are now being applied personally and also shared by so many around the world, who have felt our program benefits.

Also see our FREE RESEARCH MANUALS and programs.

Below are 4 powerful manuals that are designed to deliver personal, global and universal harmonization or what some may term ascension as our Embassy Programs work on all three levels.

After this data you will find links to our free Embassy of Peace Manuals .

These are The Luscious Lifestyles Program; The 12 Pathways of Peace; The Unity Reset Program plus The Prana Program.

New manuals are coming soon – these are our Source Feeding handbook; our Contact program plus our True Love Pure Love Program.

The Luscious Lifestyle Program, is presented by Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace as a powerful and pragmatic way to enjoy more of the rhythms of health, happiness and harmony within ourselves and within our world! Based on Biofield Science principles, this holistic lifestyle also increases our mental clarity and intuitive capacities, stimulates the expression of our higher nature and generally makes us more compassionate, fulfilled and altruistic people.

Click here to discover more about our powerful life transforming Luscious Lifestyles Program or to purchase.

PATHWAYS OF PEACE – In order to move to the next prophesied level we need to unify in love and focus on paradigms that honour and respect all life. There is no mystery to the experience of Divinity;  the workings of energy fields are quite simple. What we focus on grows, we all know this.

Some say that it is time also now to focus on pathways of peace, on things that bind and unify us, a new operating system. The question is, can we all go beyond all current day  struggle to experience inner and outer lasting peace? And if so, how?

Is there a science or a system we can use for planetary refinement into peace? Is there a step by step process that we can adopt? The answer is yes and so we welcome you now to the poetic insights and pragmatics of our paths of peace.

To find out more about these 12 Pathways that can bring people and our world into permanent peace click here.

The most recent program we have delivered that is designed to bring us all deeper into Unity Consciousness – within ourselves and with each other – is our Unity Reset Program

The Unity Reset Program …

  • Is for those who are ready to be in a more consistent flow of peace, health, happiness and harmony within themselves and with all life;
  • Is for those who can honour our individual uniqueness and cultures, so that we can all enjoy the ‘one people on one planet living in harmony zone’ on Earth;
  • Is for those who like things simple that work;
  • Is for those who are ready to vibrate themselves beyond the pattern of duality and limitation.
  • It is for those who are ready to let the past go and see that each moment is brand new and so it is for those who are ready to use their mental energy in ways that enhance the whole.
  • Our Unity Reset Program is for those open to enjoying true unity consciousness with all and for those open to the paradigm of both personal and planetary ascension.
  • Lastly, this program is for those who are ready for the ‘more than everything zone’.

To find out more about the Unity Reset Program or to purchase this wonderful manual click here.

At the Embassy we also offer The Source Feeding Program which is designed to minimize and eventually eliminate any limiting health and hunger issues on individual and global levels by flooding the system with the energy that can do this. To help the education process about this more unusual alternate nutrition source we have The Prana Program manual. This book is like an encyclopedia of Q & A on an alternate energy of Source Feeding system.

Click here to find out more or to purchase this manual.

Videos, articles plus our other research manuals on Alternate Nourishment can be found at this link

At the Embassy we also offer a free Source Feeding – Pranic Living online training program so that people can minimize their use of Global Resources, positively Effect Global warming and also improve their health.

We achieve this by tuning ourselves into an alternate nourishment stream where we are fed all the time but differently!

Click here for our YouTube video playlist on Pranic People Pranic Living.

A powerful and insightful question …

The question is do our reality models support the reality of One People Living in Harmony on One Planet? And if not why not? The Embassy of Peace programs are here to support this new paradigm but to do so in a way that in beneficial for all as we believe that life on Earth can be about living in harmony, bringing out the best in each other and also choosing to life in a way where our presence enhances all!

So if these realities appeal to you then consider becoming
an Embassy Affiliate
or attending our next Embassy Retreat.

Stay tuned for our new programs!

One People living in Harmony on One Planet – OPHOP:-

Being in this paradigm means we have fulfilled our “Loving Life! Happy to be here! All is well with all!” goal. As we have shared already, this paradigm can be achieved by the fulfillment of The Embassy of Peace Programs and all that is offered freely throughout our websites and YouTube channel.

Also you may enjoy watching videos on how the Embassy plus all of its powerful programs has come into being at this link for our Etheric Support Systems & team