Corona Global Gifts – See links to 3 gifts for you below! In this 30 minute video, Jasmuheen shares of many wonderful things that are beginning to emerge as we unify with compassionate care for ourselves and each other during this challenging time of corona virus, travel bans and lock downs. She also provides a higher picture reality and simple advise regarding the frequencies that are important now as Earth uplevels into a new way of operating.
She also offers free gifts of support as per the below to help you stabilize and support others!

Jasmuheen has recorded a new introduction to the I love you source feeding meditation at the below link as she wanted to bring in the current day perspective and why she is offering this as a free gift now. Please also see her Corona Global Gifts sharing of which this is part of the more pragmatic compassionate action that we can do to help others. Here are the links for you – to stabilse you and others by your frequency! See link below.
Introduction to I Love You Meditation – why it works and how

This meditation is a wonderful way for us to really nourish each other through these challenging times while also strengthening our immune systems. Once you know the process just do a shorter version daily to strengthen your immune system and help stabilise others.
The I LOVE YOU SOURCE FEEDING meditation link
We decided to make a new playlist just to offer free and uplifting support during this time – what we can do for self care and to care for others but from a different perspective than what some are offering – please use your discernment as there are so many offering amazing support! Our videos are displayed as we have released them – 3 for insights then some pragmatics. Click on video below.