Global harmonization is a natural follow on when people become personally harmonized and you can enjoy more about our personal harmonization program at this link where you will also find our two personal programs – The Luscious Lifestyles Program plus the 12 Pathways of Peace.
At the Embassy of Peace, our Global Harmonization programs offers two free manuals plus numerous research manuals that can deliver these results.

Global Harmonization Program is a free manual which addresses key issues for the manifestation of global health and harmony from the elimination of global health and hunger issues, to resource sustainability, redistribution of the world’s resources and much more! Click here for your PDF file

Next we have the free Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program which is an interactive manual for you to make clear commitments with the Quantum Field of Infinite Intelligence regarding how you wish to operate on earth. This was a program delivered to Peace Ambassador Jasmuheen just after 9:11.
The Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program has 9 specific projects & lifestyle skills that when applied will aid in the creation of a peace filled world by attending to basic human rights.
You can download your copy here.

Below is additional recommended reading which can be purchased at this link

You can also download the entire free Embassy manual at this link.
Also to find how these programs came into being please go to our Etheric Support Teams page at this link.
Now let’s go on to our Universal Harmonization Program